Dalton and Lindsay met in July 2012 at a friends house. 2 weeks after meeting they started officially dating and have been together ever since. They got engaged in March 2019, the same week they bought their first house together. Dalton proposed in a Garden in New Orleans.
They love to go to Disney and spend time with their adorable pet bunny Lottie.
Lindsay & Dalton were so disappointed to postpone their wedding in June 2020 so they are so ready to finally be married after almost 9 years together!
St. Casimir was the church Lindsay’s father grew up going to and school he went to. Getting married in a Catholic Church is important to her especially because it is very important to both of her parents. The Bayfront is the same venue Dalton’s mom and step-dad were married in in 2002.
Watching the weather up until the big day was a little scary until the day turned out so sunny and the perfect temperature! We really couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day!
St. Casimir stunned me by its beauty! I mean look at this church y’all!
My sweet amazing Husband got to join in on their wedding as my second shooter and it was so perfect to have him by my side. Along with him we had another special guest! Our sweet baby girl in my belly! It was Nellie’s first full wedding of the season! Looking forward to the many more upcoming until she arrives!
Congratulations Lindsay & Dalton y’all are so special and I am SO glad I was the one who got to tell your story and capture this special day for you. Enjoy your upcoming honeymoon to Disney!!!

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