Hey y’all!
Y’all know I am a sucker for a good love story! So I wanted to share mine!
I am so blessed to have a story I can’t wait to tell my children and grandchildren.
So right out of High School I started working at the local animal shelter as an animal caretaker. Probably about my first week on the job, animal control pulls in to drop off a dog. I went out to meet the truck and take in the pup. Well what I didn’t know was that that was the moment that changed my life forever and I met my future husband!
Out of the truck comes this HANDSOME animal control officer with the most amazing smile. His smile was the first thing I noticed about him. The thoughts in my head were “I need to know who this is” “I am going to marry this man”. Me being shy I just kinds hung back and didn’t say much. Later at lunch I tried to get all the scoop on this animal control guy. I began to get SO excited to go into work in hopes to see this officer again. I told my family and friends about this “Handsome Animal control guy”. I searched about him on the internet…. of course HAHA got to know a few things about him. Days go by and I can’t shut up about him and my co worker and friend Danielle started our line of communication. We talked on messenger a bit and then the next day when he came into the shelter he asked me on our first date! We went to InJapan and he picked me up in his Mom’s Jag… we never ran out of things to talk about, we got into deep meaningful conversations and I felt at home with him.
After we got back home we stayed up until 2am just talking with my mom and that became a normal thing as we started dating… I believe in the first week we all said that my Mommom and his Mom met in heaven and lead us together.
Fast forward about 2 months in… we took our first vacation together to NYC for Christmas. BEST trip of my life. NYC at Christmas started to become a yearly thing to us.
After that trip Doug began his Journey at the police academy. We talked about moving in together and me commuting but we ended up saving money instead. BOY did I miss him when he was away as we spent every day and night together right after the first date.
Fast forward again we bought our first home together! He surprised me the day we moved with the sweetest little puppy Bella! This girl is my everything! Life has been amazing together and we haver built an amazing home together.
Taking us now to 12/12/18 We planned a trip to NYC like normal. We got into the city and I was sending my mom so many pictures along the way. We get to the hotel and it was horrible…. thanks Groupon….. never again….. so we quickly booked a new hotel which happened to be the hotel we stayed at on our very first trip. We get there and realize Doug left his card at the other hotel! Before we found out I was helping him look and suggested to look in his pocket of his jacket as mine sometimes has a pocket in a pocket. I went to look for him and he hit my hand away! We got ready for our planned ice skating experience and walked down to Rockefeller. We had a BLAST ice skating and Doug informed me he wanted to get one of the workers to take our picture when everyone clears off and that there would be others after us as this is something they did. Y’all this is not something they “do”.
We were posing for our picture and I feel Doug falling! Perfect by Ed Sheeran came on and surprise he wasn’t actually falling but he was PROPOSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They crowd goes crazy screaming and cheering and I am in complete shock and balling! The moment I have lived for was finally here! It felt so unreal and like a dream.
We did a few laps on the rink I said “victory laps” HAHA. On the last lap Doug point over to the side of the rink and there stand our FAMILY!!!! I start balling again. If you knew my parents you’d know it is like a unicorn finding them in NYC they are not city people at ALL. After we got off the ice and met the family I see Cassidy! Cassidy is one of my best friends and she is also a photographer and Doug had hired her to capture it all!!!! I Cant believe all of these people kept this secrete so well!!! We had a little session after and then all went out fo the pizza Doug and I found on our first trip. It was a fairy tale for sure of a Hallmark movie as people say!

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